Director of ‘The Fall of Minneapolis’ responds to defamation lawsuit after bombshell court filings

From Alpha News…

Dr. Chaix believes that in filing her lawsuit, Blackwell has unwittingly helped bring more of the truth to light. 

For the first time, the director of “The Fall of Minneapolis” responded to the defamation lawsuit filed by Minneapolis Assistant Police Chief Katie Blackwell. The suit names producer and reporter Liz Collin, Alpha News and director Dr. JC Chaix. Dr. Chaix believes that in filing her lawsuit, Blackwell has unwittingly helped bring more of the truth to light.

Blackwell has said Alpha News defamed her by using her sworn testimony during Derek Chauvin’s trial when she testified that she did not recognize what she called an “improvised position” that the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) did not train.

Dr. Chaix joined Collin on her podcast to discuss the bombshell court filings this week that included 14 current and former MPD officers who signed sworn declarations saying they believe Blackwell perjured herself when testifying in former MPD officer Derek Chauvin’s murder trial.

Dr. Chaix explained how the declarations highlight a significant problem within the MPD.

“Blackwell’s lawsuit underscores a significant problem. The Minneapolis Police Department seems to have a leadership problem, and in my opinion, a problem with the truth.”

“First of all, we have 33 former Minneapolis police officers and one current officer who have all sworn under oath that MPD actually trained the knee on the neck restraint and trained it as part of the maximal restraint technique,” Dr. Chaix said.

“Second, we also have plenty of MPD training photos and videos that show officers using a knee on the neck or shoulder area technique, much like Derek Chauvin did,” Dr. Chaix explained.

Yet, perhaps his most critical point involves the photos of Blackwell herself using a similar position while effecting an arrest: “Making this even more bizarre, there are photos in an MPD yearbook that show Katie Blackwell apparently doing the same technique.” 

Dr. Chaix praises Alpha News readers, defies mainstream media

Pointing to a few examples, Dr. Chaix also praised Alpha News subscribers and readers: “Folks who listen and subscribe to Alpha News, you can tell they think for themselves. And you can tell that they can sort facts from fiction and recognize how the mainstream media has been avoiding the truth all along.”

He also pointed out how mainstream media still appears to be avoiding key facts reported by Collin and Alpha News. “ … I think the Minnesota mainstream media’s avoidance of the facts and circumstances that you’ve reported make it clear that they’ve forgotten how the media ultimately bears responsibility to the truth and to the public at large.”

Chaix also defied mainstream media to prove him wrong by asking tough questions.

“Maybe they’ll question Mayor Frey about what appears to be this lack of truthfulness among the ranks of MPD, which incidentally have apparently festered under his watch,” Dr. Chaix suggested.

He continued, stating, “Maybe they’ll even prove me wrong by asking Assistant Police Chief Katie Blackwell herself to explain why more than a dozen officers have signed sworn declarations stating that she committed perjury during the trial of Derek Chauvin.”

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Alex Kueng, former Minneapolis police officer, released from prison


Over a dozen current and former officers say they believe MPD’s Katie Blackwell perjured herself during Derek Chauvin trial